Kegel exercises for men
Controlling ejaculation is a huge issue for many men, one that they are often too embarrassed to bring up. How do I control myself? How can I last longer, be firmer and do better? The answer is working out your pubococcygeus muscles (PC) muscles, by doing Kegel exercises for men.
PC muscles control the flow of semen and urine, the firmness of your penis during erection and the shooting power of your ejaculation. They are important, and if kept very strong, will see you into your golden years with a fantastical hard on. The great thing about Kegel exercises for men is that you can do them anywhere, anytime -- and nobody will know the difference.
You will be able to have better sex by being able to better control your orgasms and ejaculations, and last for longer, plus you may get the added kudos of being able to hold up a wet towel with your erection if you practice these Kegel exercises for men.
How do I know where my PC muscles are?
The easiest way to find them is to stop your flow of urine next time you go to the bathroom. Another way to isolate them is to put your finger inside your anus; when you contract the right muscles, your anus will tighten. However you decide to find them, once they are found you need to practice feeling exactly where they are located -- it is easy to overcompensate for weak muscles by using the abdominals, buttocks or thighs. These must all stay relaxed when doing Kegel exercises for men.
What can I expect from exercises for men? Do they work?
Yes they do! You will experience such benefits if you do Kegels on a regular basis:
- Stronger pelvic muscles
- Increase the bloodflow to the genital area, and so support sexual arousal mechanisms
- Reduced "leaking" of urine and urinary incontinence (if you have any)
- Increased pleasure with your sexual activity
- Increased ability to have erections (longer and harder)
Now, on to the daily Kegel exercises for men.
Note: These exercises are done hands-free. You do not “squeeze” anything with your hands as they are all done with your PC muscles.
kegel session 1
Exercise A
Sets: 3
Quickly clench and release repeatedly for 10 seconds.
Take a 10-second break between sets.
Exercise B
Sets: 10
Clench and release repeatedly for 5 seconds.
Take a 5-second break between sets.
Exercise C
Sets: 3
Tighten and hold your PC muscle for 30 seconds.
Take a 30 second break between sets.
That’s it for today, but repeat these Kegel exercises for men daily for one week.
kegel session 2
Exercise A
Sets: 10
Clench and hold your PC muscle for 5 seconds.
Release and repeat.
Exercise B
Sets: 3
Quickly clench and release your PC muscle 10 times.
Exercise C
Sets: 3
Clench and release your PC muscle alternatively in long and short bursts for counts of 10.
Exercise D
Sets: 1
Tighten your PC muscle and hold for as long as you can. Aim for 2 minutes.
You can do the session 2 Kegel exercises for men for a week; however, feel free to progress if you feel you are strong enough. Remember that these are strengthening exercises, so start off slowly and build up, just like you would with any other muscle.
kegel session 3
Exercise A
Sets: 30 (work your way up to more than 100)
Clench and release your PC muscle over and over again.
Exercise B
Sets: 5
Tighten as much as you possibly can (ensure that you are only squeezing your PC muscle).
Hold for 20 seconds.
Take a 30-second break between sets.
kegel session 4
Exercise A
Sets: As many as you like.
Clench and release your PC muscle for 2 minutes every day.
Work your way up to doing 20 minutes 3 times a day -- you should eventually be able to perform 200 repetitions per session.
I can't hold them even for two seconds!
When you start to do Kegels at first you may find that you can't even squeeze for a second or two. Guys, don't worry. This is typical. You can't keep it tight because the muscles just don't strength enough. Stop if you just can't squeeze them tight and your muscles have become fatigued. It's enough for that session. With an everyday practice, your muscles will become stronger and stronger. After a few weeks or months, you will be able to squeeze this PC muscles really tight for a full ten seconds doing the long exercises.
Some tips?
- Empty your bladder before starting the exercises.
- Don't do Kegels while urinating. This may eventually lead to some voiding difficulties.
- Keep your thigh and abdominal muscles relaxed.
- Try to get the maximum tightening with each muscle contraction.
- Do not forget to breathe holding the muscles contracted.
- It is better to do fewer cycles, each with good form and tight control, than to do more cycles with poor form and weak control
- Good idea to contract the muscles while you are in different positions: sitting, standing, lying.
Am I doing the exercises correctly?
You are NOT doing the exercises correctly if:
- If you are holding your breath. (If you can talk normally and comfortably, then you are probably doing the exercises correctly.)
- Squeezing any other muscles, than the pelvic floor. These muscles are the only muscles that should be squeezed during the Kegel exercises. If you find yourself squeezing/stretching any other - hips, thighs, the lower abdomen, or elsewhere - stop and correct yourself. You will not benefit from such exercises.
How can I remember to do my Kegel exercises regularly?
Good idea to make Kegel exercises a Habit (did you read Stephen Covey?) The following tips may help you remember to do your Kegel exercises:
- Schedule your exercises at the same time every day. It can be your favorite regular TV show, while you do the dishes, when you wake up in the morning, after lunch or just before you go to bed.
- Reward yourself for each day that you do PC exercises twice a day. You could put a nice gold star on your calendar:)
It is normal if you forget to do your exercises for a few days. It's common to have a few slips when trying to make any new change. Just get back to your exercises and don't get discouraged!
Basically, you can do Kegel exercises for men anytime, anywhere; there are very few places you can’t practice this. It is not recommended, however, to do these exercises when you are trying to concentrate on something else, as you may find yourself quite distracted. A great place to do them is on the couch in front of the TV or while stuck at traffic lights.
How will I know when something is happening?
You will know because you will be able to feel it, and so will your lover. A harder penis, better control and longer lasting sex are all benefits of having strong PC muscles. There is absolutely no excuse for not having these important sexual muscles in excellent working order. If you have trouble with premature ejaculation, try these exercises before you head to the pharmacy or your health professional.
What not to do
Don’t overdo it. It is often tempting to throw yourself into something head on, especially when it means better sex. However, as with any other muscle you are working out, you need to give it some time to heal between sessions. This means regular rests and not overdoing it. If you follow the exercise schedule as you see fit, you should soon be great -- listen to your body. It knows what it’s talking about!
Don’t use any other muscle during the exercises. It is sometimes difficult to isolate the PC muscles, especially if they are weak. Be aware of what you are doing, and if you feel like you are contracting any other muscles (mainly abdominals and thighs), then you need to relax and start again. Just remember that it might take a few weeks to build up some strength. Keep at it.
Benefits of kegel exercises for women
Everyone can do these exercises, and they improve sex for everyone. If you and your partner do these exercises, you will both see and feel the difference within weeks. Women will have more intense orgasms and be able to “squeeze” your penis while it’s inside her.
Testing it
You can do a little sexual experiment with her by resting your erection inside of her vagina, but not thrusting. Both of you can flex your PC muscles -- this stimulates her G-spot, and tickles you too. This is a fun way to test your progress.
Kegel kopulation
Your sexual virility is dependent on many factors. Most of these you can control -- eating nutritious food, exercising regularly and keeping your prostate healthy. Since your PC muscle is so important to the function of your sexuality, it pays to keep it in good working order. Now you have the means, there’s no room for excuses.
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