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Thursday, September 19, 2013
Harga bibit unggul jabon (jati ambon) PT GMN IGIST tahun 2013 - I-Gist Malang Official Page
Berapa harga kayu jabon tahun 2013 ? - I-Gist Malang Official Page
Harga kayu jabon tergantung dari diameter batangnya. Rata-rata berkisar antara Rp 700 rb,- sampai dengan Rp 1,2 jt. Kayu jabon sangat menguntungkan karena masa panen sangat cepat antara 4-6 tahun, dan bisa dipanen 2-3x karena bertunas. Jabon mulai diperkenalkan untuk alternatif pengganti sengon karena sengon rentan terkena hama karat tumor yang sampai sekarang sulit sekali diberantas. Dengan kualitas yang tak kalah bagus dibanding sengon. Berdasarkan dari hasil panen perdana PT GMN tahun 2012 kemarin, 1 batang pohon jabon bisa mencapai 1 m3 lebih, sedangkan 1 m3 kubik pada saat itu harganya mencapai 1,4 jt. Jadi asumsi harga per batang 1 jt adalah sangat rasional.
1. Sertifikat hitam diatas putih bermaterai bertanda tangan notaris yg memastikan bahwa pohon akan benar2 ditanam dan dirawat sampai panen dan sekaligus menjualkan. Sertifikat notaris hanya diberikan untuk pembelian diatas 50 pohon, jika kurang dari 50 pohon mendapat sertifikat online, dan jika ingin diupgrade menjadi sertifikat notaris ada biaya tambahan sebesar Rp 200 ribu.
2. Perjanjian tertulis jika ada hama, kebakaran, pencurian dll yg berakibat gagal panen, akan diganti dengan pohon cadangan yang berusia sama. Kemingkinan terburuk jika pohon cadangan habis akan diganti Rp 400.000,- perbibitnya (semua termaktub dengan jalas dalam pasal2 perjanjian di sertifikat)
3.Anda akan mendapatkan laporan berkala dari cluster supervisor secara berkala tentang pertumbuhan jabon anda disertai dengan foto. Anda juga bisa mengecek sendiri kondisi foto anda melalui sistem eye-grow secara online.
4. Harga jual per pohon jabon usia 5 tahun dengan diameter 50 cm ke atas saat ini mencapai Rp 1.160.000,-, berarti margin keuntungan saat ini sekitar 400-500% atau sekitar 80-100% per tahun.
5. Anda juga secara resmi mendapatkan franchise i-gist, berarti anda berhak menawarkan ke orang lain untuk bergabung jg menjadi investor i-gist, dan dari setiap orang yang anda referensikan, anda akan mendapatkan komisi 10-20%
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), with Video
Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
This video shows a well animated 3D, of how IUI works
Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) is a method of Artificial insemination, is the process by which sperm is placed into the reproductive tract of a female for the purpose of impregnating the female by using means other than sexual intercourse or natural insemination. In humans, it is used as assisted reproductive technology, using either sperm from the woman's male partner or sperm from a sperm donor (donor sperm) in cases where the male partner produces no sperm or the woman has no male partner (i.e., single women, lesbians). In cases where donor sperm is used the woman is the gestational and genetic mother of the child produced, and the sperm donor is the genetic or biological father of the child.
Artificial insemination is widely used for livestock breeding, especially for dairy cattle and pigs. Techniques developed for livestock have been adapted for use in humans.
Specifically, freshly ejaculated sperm, or sperm which has been frozen and thawed, is placed in the cervix (intracervical insemination – ICI) or, after washing, into the female's uterus (intrauterine insemination – IUI) by artificial means.
In humans, artificial insemination was originally developed as a means of helping couples to conceive where there were 'male factor' problems of a physical or psychological nature affecting the male partner which prevented or impeded conception. Today, the process is also and more commonly used in the case of choice mothers, where a woman has no male partner and the sperm is provided by a sperm donor.
Sperm Preparation
'Washed sperm', that is, spermatozoa which have been removed from most other components of the seminal fluids, can be injected directly into a woman's uterus. If the semen is not washed it may elicit uterine cramping, expelling the semen and causing pain, due to content of prostaglandins. (Prostaglandins are also the compounds responsible for causing the myometrium to contract and expel the menses from the uterus, during menstruation). The woman should rest on the table for 15 minutes after an IUI to optimize the pregnancy rate.
To have optimal chances with IUI, the female should be under 30 years of age, and the man should have a TMS of more than 5 million per ml. In practice, donor sperm will satisfy these criteria. A promising cycle is one that offers two follicles measuring more than 16 mm, and estrogen of more than 500 pg/mL on the day of hCG administration. A short period of ejaculatory abstinence before intrauterine insemination is associated with higher pregnancy rates. However, GnRH agonist administration at the time of implantation does not improve pregnancy outcome in intrauterine insemination cycles according to a randomized controlled trial.
It can be used in conjunction with ovarian hyperstimulation. Still, advanced maternal age causes decreased success rates; Women aged 38–39 years appear to have reasonable success during the first two cycles of ovarian hyperstimulation and IUI. However, for women aged ≥40 years, there appears to be no benefit after a single cycle of COH/IUI. It is therefore recommended to consider in vitro fertilization after one failed COH/IUI cycle for women aged ≥40 years.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_insemination
- http://putriprameswari.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), (Bayi Tabung), with Video
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
This video shows a well animated 3D, of how IVF works
IVF may be used to overcome female infertility in the woman due to problems of the fallopian tube, making fertilisation in vivo difficult. It may also assist in male infertility, where there is defect sperm quality, and in such cases intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may be used, where a sperm cell is injected directly into the egg cell. This is used when sperm have difficulty penetrating the egg, and in these cases the partner's or a donor's sperm may be used. ICSI is also used when sperm numbers are very low. ICSI results in success rates equal to those of IVF.
For IVF to be successful it typically requires healthy ova, sperm that can fertilise, and a uterus that can maintain a pregnancy. Due to the costs of the procedure, IVF is generally attempted only after less expensive options have failed.
IVF can also be used with egg donation or surrogacy where the woman providing the egg isn't the same who will carry the pregnancy to term. This means that IVF can be used for females who have already gone through menopause. The donated oocyte can be fertilised in a crucible. If the fertilisation is successful, the embryo will be transferred into the uterus, within which it may implant.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_vitro_fertilisation
- http://www.mrothery.co.uk/cellcycleandrepro/cellcycleandrepronotes.htm